Export Gedcom select from list


I’m using v10 and I’m trying to do an export to gedcom with the “select from list” feature.
The problem is that the from list shows up empty.

The gedcom file I’m using is from Myheritage if that matters.

Are you sure your list of people is actually empty?

If you look closely, you should notice two things: a comma in each row of the list, and a scroll bar on the right.

I suspect that, if you scroll further down, you’ll see names of people that you can select. The rows without commas seem to be individuals with neither first or surnames entered.

PS: Welcome to the community :+1:t3:

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You are right. If I scroll down I see the names.
But I cant search.

The gray default text in the Search block demonstrates how one would filter (minus the parens) so Doe, or Doe,John or ,John will get you on down the list.

Perfect. Thank you so much!

Your first line with “,” shows on the right pane that they have a Spouse.

You may want to give the “,” people some sort of name identifier (unknown,unknown or Mr, unknown or Miss unknown) up to you.

Also enable the RIN to display will help with the blank names.

Great, thanks.

Next question. I did the export to a new gedcom file. But when I open it none of the persons have names. Only birth and dead year.

You need to supply the names in RM as they are currently blank.

If you mean looking at the Index… the Search block “filtering” works the same way as the one used during marking for GEDCOM export.

My bad. I opened the wrong file.

Everything works as intended now.

Thank you for your quick replies!! :grinning:

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