"Elizabeth Curtis" keeps popping up

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

I’ll just learn to live with this ‘phantom’ for now. I appreciate all the comments but simply do not have the time, energy etc. to create a new file especially as I know how this will affect my Ancestry tree - had to create a whole new one when I upgraded to RM9 - no way am I prepared to do all of that again!

I did try a few things - I can see there are 2 Elizabeth Curtis’ and did try merging - failed; creating a new person with a different name then tried to delete the ‘old’ one - failed; I’d already done the Tools/Phantom fixer thingy and knew it didn’t fix it so after deleting her (after making a new her with a different name) it again failed.

No doubt your suggestion of creating a whole new tree would work however, as I work from 2 computers and have all my database that I upload to my Ancestry tree - it’s just simply too difficult for me to do so then on top of that knowing I will have a corrupted tree (meaning that there will be collateral damage, which I understand to mean that all the media links will have to be redone along with who knows what else) I simply could not be bothered just because of having this woman popping up.

Like I said, even when I deleted Elizabeth Curtis’ record completely, restarted RM and my computer - she was still there. This Elizabeth Curtis no doubt craves attention!!! LOL Thanks anyhow. - Fran

Hi Kevin,

I did something very similar but even though I did delete her - removed her - created a whole new woman with a temporary new name (Big Ben PIES LOL), restarted my computer, reopened RM yet there she was - Ms Big Ben PIES !!!

I then stuck her into a group I created just for her naming it PHANTOM - then deleted the group - then restarted the computer again and when I opened it hoping this had exercised from my database - there she was!!! There was Ms Big Ben PIES with her husband and children AND there was Elizabeth Curtis who was NOT on my list anywhere, I could not conjure her up with a people search but when I tried to check a relationship there she was smirking at me! Curse that Curtis woman!!!

So, Ms Big Ben PIES was renamed Elizabeth Curtis and our annoying ghost remains. LOL I have to laugh, and roll my eyes - my program is haunted by dead people!!! LOL

What what @kbens0n and @TomH propose will take less time than it took you to type your last post and it makes your phantom go away with with no loss. My concern would be why you felt you needed to create a new file when you upgraded to 9, and what you mean by creating a new file. I assume you didn’t retype everything into a blank file but instead treeshared down a new copy from Ancestry. Assuming the second, I don’t know why this had to be done since RM9 does import RM7 files and just opens and converts RM8 files.

Hi Ken,
I was warned when I first put the post up that I would suffer “collateral damage” which would take a long time to fix - you can read further up/down where it was written by a couple of folks.

When I upgraded to RM9 I imported my RM database no trouble whatsoever however, in order for me to continue using Ancestry we were all told we had to create a new Ancestry tree because RM9 would not “talk” to the old tree - something to do with the link from Ancestry not working with the new RM9. That was painful!

If I would do, as you say, create a GEDCOM file with my 30,000 + people along with all the media, sources etc., save this GEDCOM file, delete my file that I’m now using and any other backups, then restart my computer etc. and import this GEDCOM file you are saying that this file would not, in its creation, pick up this second ghost of Elizabeth Curtis? Can you be sure of this? I don’t even know how ‘she’ came to be anyhow. I totally deleted her - totally! But the ghost did not delete so I don’t know how saving to a GEDCOM would not carry her along with it as ‘she’ is in my backups too…can you see my scepticism? Not being difficult, just thought the solution was something I had missed and would be simple.

:slightly_smiling_face: Cheers, Fran

If you went down the GEDCOM route why not leave your original file alone and create a new file with a slightly different name to upload the GEDCOM to? If the new file worked and had all your data/media you could then delete your original file, if not delete the new file.
BTW is there an issue with Elizabeth in Ancestry? If not why not create a new database and then populate it by downloading from Ancestry