Today I’m in the Media section of my family tree file. Since I imported images from multiple sources, I have multiple copies of a number of those photos/images. I’m cleaning up that mess before assigning the images to People, Places, et al. In doing so, (and I might have missed something in the instructions I’ve collected online [RM10]), I’m not finding a way to tag multiple images/photos at one time and then deleting them all with one/two keystrokes. Selecting multiple files at a time in Windows Explorer has been around for at least a couple of decades. Could you add that feature to RM; or, if it’s already there, let me know how to get to it. Thanks in advance.
It’s getting very tedious doing one file at a time…
There is a way to delete multiple unused images. It’s an option on the Tools page, Enhanced Properties List under “used media”, (view). If the media is being used then delete is one media item at a time on the Media page. Confirming that request has been reported to development.
FYI @rzamor1 … even if media is in-use, it’s sometimes desirable to do a multi-file delete at the same time.
For example, on Ancestry it’s possible to have a single media file attached to a large number of people. Obvious examples are census or newspaper articles. But the RM Ancestry TreeShare insists on downloading multiple copies of that same media item, one for each individual. That consumes an excessive amount of diskspace for no good reason. So, I make a habit of redoing all those linkages in RM with a single copy, and then deleting all the extraneous ones.
Since the extraneous ones are “in use”, the Enhanced Tools are useless to me. I have to delete each media file one by one, which gets very repetitive and annoying when you have a large set of media in the gallery list.
Having a way to multi-select items in the gallery and delete them all in one motion would be a very big user experience improvement.
If you are downloading the full Ancestry tree only one image will download and be connected to all those using it. If you are importing one person at a time the image will again be once for them, any fact associated with it will be linked to that image. If you are copying facts for an existing person make sure you include all the facts at the same time before accepting changes. That way only one image is downloaded. If you are dealing with multiple people and facts after the initial download then it will include a new image on each separate accept changes. Ancestry simple doesn’t know you already have the existing media and will continue to add a new one each time.
Thank you.
Agreed on the improvement value.
I’ve noticed there are a number of features which could be added, which I believe are available through some of the Microsoft development libraries. Just don’t know if the existing RM platform conforms to the requirements.
Thank you.
That’s what I’m afraid of: the automatic download of multiples.
I then find I have much pruning to do, and compounding the issues is that the naming conventions of the source of the images requires much renaming of those images. A real time consumer.
Thank you. Very useful.
It’s beginning to strike me that RM might benefit from a re-do of the images area and tools. Just a perception.
Thank you.
Haven’t made it to the Ancestry area yet; still working with all the info I had collected over the years. That includes backups from RM7 that have lingered for years, and the added data I’ve saved since then and put into one drive or another that has suffered through multiple system rebuilds and replacements. The total disk space it’s scattered across is in the range of 8 Tb. As I go along, I see better ways I can attack all of this, and start a new path. Hence, multiple copies of images, some with OS auto-naming, some with my renaming. “Whoa is Me!”