Ctrl+P and Ctrl+F Hotkeys

I have tagged this message as both a tip and a feature request.

Tip: The Ctrl+P and Ctrl+F hotkeys can be very handy. The Ctrl+P hotkey can be thought of as sort of a Print hotkey. It takes you into the main Publish tab. The Ctrl+F hotkey can be thought of as sort of a Find hotkey. But curiously, it does not take you into the main Person Search tab. To do that, you can use Ctrl+S. Rather, the Ctrl+F hotkey takes you into the main People tab and to People List view. It may sound strange to think of that procedure as a Find procedure. But People List View has a very nice search box which I use all the time for finding people. I virtually never use the main Person Search tab.

Comment: I’m sure many if not most users prefer instead to click directly on the main Publish tab on the left side of the screen and to click directly on the main People tab on the left side of the screen. But after years now of using RM8 and RM9, I still find the main tabs on the left side of the screen to be very awkward to use. I’m used to them and I know how to use them. But often the cursor is far away from the left side of the screen or my hands are on the keyboard or both. Therefore, the “tabs on the left side of the screen are the main menu” is not a design that suits my work style very well. I find that using Ctrl+P and Ctrl+F is a big help in avoiding those left side tabs. What it amounts to is that I can go from People to Publish and from Publish back to People without ever touching those left side tabs.

Feature request: The way Ctrl+F works is fine. But it seems to me that Ctrl+P takes you to the least convenient screen in the Publish tab by default. Namely, it takes you to the All Reports and Charts screen, which I almost never need to use.

I think it would be much better if Ctrl+P went instead to the Publish, Print, and Share screen which is the screen I need 99% of the time. And for the 1% of the time that I actually do need the All Report and Charts screen, it’s only one more click away after getting to the Publish, Print, and Share screen,

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