Can I move a person and her husbands and children as a group to another location?

I made a mistake, and I need a little help before I make a bigger mistake and screw something up.
I have attached a screenshot to help show this.
I added Mary Ann Witham #19255 as the wife of Alpheus Gould #5007.
Then I added her two other husbands and then added all the children with the husbands.
Then I realized that Mary Ann Witham already existed in my database as #7178.
I have attached the screen shot where she already existed also.

Mary #7178 that already existed, does not have any husbands or anyone attached under her.
My thought was that I could delete Mary #7178 and move the Mary that I created #19255 into the spot of the one I delete. This would alleviate me having to move one at a time.

I know I can move one person to another location but is there a way to move a person and all her husbands and children at the same time.
What am asking is, is there a way to moved Mary #19255 and all her husbands and children to the location of the one I want to delete, without having to move them one at a time?

Rule # 1 is never delete someone.

In your case … you want to Merge Mary #7178 and Mary Ann Witham #19255.

Make a Backup first.

In Family View, go to #7178 and right mouse to get the menu and select Manual Merge.

#7178 will be on the left side and select #19255 on right. Verify the info and then Merge Duplicate into Primary.


do as @MadDog explains. Most of us have done that or similar at one time or another if we admit it or not.

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If you have already deleted the child (7178) then add the other Mary as their child, use “Select existing person”.