Appending information to the end of location names

In RootsMagic 10, is there a way to append USA to the end of all my locations or am I going to have to go through all my locations one by one?

Not sure but the Search & Replace under Places may work. If you have “Alabama” - S&R would be “, Alabama” replace with “, Alabama, USA” - then move on to another state. BACKUP FIRST !!! I would do a few places, rather then your entire database.

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Thanks MadDog! I’ll try that and see what happens. :slight_smile:

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You can add "USA’ to all of your locations using “PlaceClean” assuming all your locations are in the USA. If a few are overseas, you could use the feature and then edit those overseas locations.



one FYI / Callout.
The place.database prefers United States vs USA for GPS etc. If that does not matter to you, but just a note to anyone who might want to use this method.



Will have to edit places that are British Colony prior to USA.

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Thanks so much for the tip! :slight_smile:

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Don’t have many of those places so it won’t be too hard. Thanks!

Thanks for the tip Kevin!

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Ok, got 'er done. Since MadDog was the first to reply, I went with his suggestion. All of my states are 2 letter abbreviations so I searched for all of one state abbreviations (ex: VA) and replaced that with “VA, USA”. I learned real fast that if you don’t check the “Match Case” box, search will find all the locations that have va in them. All I had to do is go through my location list and do that for every state. The process was fairly quick. :slight_smile: Thank you all so much for your help! You’re a great bunch!

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