Many times when I use tree share to Update a a persons event on Ancestry from RootsMagic, some of the sources show up on Ancestry as “Unsourced Citation”. As far as I can tell, those that transfer successfully and those that end up as “Unsourced Citation” have no identifiable difference on the RootsMagic side. Can’t figure this out.
Even on the ones that transfer to Ancestry with expected text on the Ancestry source citation, when the RootsMagic source has an attached web link, the web link does not show up on the Ancestry source, so if I want the web link in the Ancestry record, I have to copy and paste each one manually. Is this the expected procedure?
Thank you for your help. #1 Yes they are under “other sources” on ancestry. For example, I had a fact on one of my people on RM that had 19 souces attached.
When I did TreeShare for that person and fact and clicked on “update existing event on Ancestry” and then “accept changes”, 19 sources appeared on Ancestry under “other sources”, and 15 of them had the data as expected, but 4 of them appeared as “unsourced citation”. By process of elimination I can identify the ones that don’t transfer properly, but comparing them to the ones that transferred properly, I can’t figure out what is different.
#2 Where should I put the web tag in RM to have it show up in Ancestry after TreeShare?
#1 If the source was added to RM through a WebHint those should upload as Ancestry Sources using TreeShare. If you manually entered the source then it will appear under “Other Sources”. If the person was moved from the database that had the connection to an Ancestry Source it will then be considered “Other Sources” when uploaded again.