Back to 9. I know this is somewhat expected and I can’t really think of a way to avoid it. DNA in the suffix is a bit of a workaround.
Ideally RM should add a DNA test event to these people automatically when you enter a test or shared match. And also offer to remove it if you remove the match. If it did, I could create a rule based group for DNA test = Yes, and DNA test = No.
The reason for my wanting an automatic group for DNA=No, is that when I’m doing the Treeshare for Ancestry - I now have to upload all the match people as there’s no easy way to exclude them (yes your DNA idea works because I could see it in the name) but given there are groups, I could select DNA = No as a group and work my way through those people.
Additionally, you could then have an option in the Count Trees to exclude trees of 1 person where DNA Test = Yes (called Exclude DNA match trees).
Just a few thoughts on trying to use these features…