Merge duplicate sources

I recently transferred several individuals from an old database (1) to a new database (2), both RM9.

On DB1, I have a single source (A), with a single (unnamed) citation with multiple uses, for example:

  • Tom (Birth)
  • Jack (Birth)

When I dragged Tom and Jack from DB1 to DB2, I ended up with 2 copies of source (A) on DB2:

  • Source (A), single (unnamed) citation, Tom (birth)
  • Source (A), single (unnamed) citation, Jack (Birth)
    This was exactly as I expected.

I assumed that ‘Merge all duplicate sources’ would result in a single Source (A) with two unnamed citations each with one use:

  • Tom (birth)
  • Jack (birth)
    This is not what happened.
    I still had two versions of source (A).

I was able to carry out a manual merge of the two sources, resulting in a single source with two citations.
Finally, ‘Marge all duplicate citations’ worked as expected, so I ended up with what I wanted::

  • One source
  • One citation
  • Two uses

Since the two copies of source (A) on DB2 were generated from the same copy on DB1, they must be exact duplicates - apart from any internal system data. So is there an explanation for why they failed to merge - or have I misunderstood the functionality ?

I don’t believe it will merge unnamed sources or citations. There is nothing for it to compare against. Try naming it and then run merge.

The sources are named. The citations are unnamed, but merge successfully.

I think I may have identified the problem.
All my sources, on both DB1 and DB2 use an identical custom source template, named AGP.
Whenever a source is copied from DB1 to DB2, RM creates a new instance of the source template.
So, I end up with multiple instances of source template AGP - all identical.
It is quite understandable that this should happen with custom templates, but not with built-in templates.

My identical sources do not merge because, although they all refer to a source template with the same name, the templates have different internal reference numbers.
This seems to be a likely explanation.