Unlike Groups.io there is no obvious way to stop getting emails from this forum. I would like to be able to post answers but not if I get a flood of emails on topics of no interest.
Did you try the ‘unsubscribe’ link that is included at the bottom of each email from the community? There are two or three different options as to what you want to unsubscribe from.
Sorry-it was the RM 8 community “forum” I was trying to mute. It seems to lack all user controls.
So you want emails, just not messages in the Community? Because the unsubscribe link above does have an option ‘Don’t send me any mail from RootsMagic Community’. Otherwise, you can go to the avatar in the upper right corner and click, then select Preferences > Notifications and you again have some options as to what you follow/get notifications of.
in the upper right corner, click on your user profile, then preferences, preferences again. Side menu has options for emails and notifications.