My experience is as follows.
If you wish to use SQLite to accomplish reordering, you will need to manipulate the ChildOrder data in the ChildTable to reorder children and you will need to manipulate the HusbOrder and WifeOrder data in the FamilyTable to reorder spouses. No amount of renumbering of the PersonID field or the FamilyID field will accomplish any reordering.
If you wish to edit a GEDCOM file to accomplish reordering, you will need to place the physical records in the GEDCOM in the correct order. For example, if Jane Doe and John Doe are sister and brother and if Jane was born before John, you will need to place the INDI record and all its subordinate records for Jane ahead of the INDI record and all its subordinate records for John. The same would be true for the FAM records for families.
The concept seems to be that if you are typing data into RM, children by default go in the order in which you type them in and spouses by default go in the order in which you type them in. Dates and person numbers and family numbers do not have anything to do with it. And the concept further seems to be that RM does the same thing when it imports GEDCOM. Namely, it puts children and spouses in the order in which it encounters them physically in the GEDOM.
I ran into the problem decades ago in reverse. I would export GEDCOM from Family Origins (predecessor to RM) and import the GEDCOM into as a way to display my data on the Web. ( is not RootsMagic and has no connection whatsoever with RootsMagic). Even though I had used the same reordering tools in Family Origins to get children and spouses into the correct order that are still used in RM for the same purpose, displayed children and spouses in the same order in which I had first typed them into RM which in turn was the same order that Family Origins had placed them into the GEDCOM.
I requested an enhancement to Family Origins to place children and spouses into physical order in GEDCOM in the same order to which I had reordered children and spouses in the Family Origins database. The response was that there was nothing in the GEDCOM standard requiring children and spouses to be placed in the correct order in the GEDCOM, and that it was the responsibility of the software reading the GEDCOM to place the children and spouses into the correct order by date.
I thought at the time that the answer was correct. I also thought at the time that the answer was ironic because Family Origins itself would not place imported GEDCOM into the correct order by date. Instead, it provided tools so that the user could accomplish the correct ordering manually on a family by family basis after the GEDCOM was imported.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think anything has changed from then until now, even all the way through RM8. Children and spouses being typed in or imported in via GEDCOM are ordered initially in the order in which RM encounters them. An obvious exception is that a direct import from RM7 into RM8 does preserve the RM7 ordering of children and spouses into RM8. I really don’t know what happens to the ordering of children and spouses on other direct imports, such as from TMG, FTM, Legacy, PAF, FamilySearch, or Ancestry/TreeShare.
I haven’t actually tested the ordering of children and spouses on GEDCOM import into RM in a very long time. I actually hope I’m wrong. I’m hoping the RM8 will import GEDCOM with children and spouses in date order, but I doubt it.