It would be nice to be able to create an association, but not with just 2 people, with as many people as you need.
That would be more a shared event then. Associations are one to one. There are a two different Association List reports that will help you see all that is connected through associations.
I’ve worked for the same company for 12 years and had associations with some co-workers for many of them. During that time we’ve had many shared events.
I think there’s a distinction between associations and shared events, the former having the potential of being long-running, while the latter being a specific happening at a point in time.
Agreed. I tried helping someone with documenting slaves and their owners in a pre-Association version of RM. Using shared events, there was the dilemma of Date value. If the Principal was the slave-owner, then all the slave roles got the timespan that he was their owner and that made no sense, if the Owner’s Date value was in their sentence. Better that each slave be the Principal and the owner got the role of slave-owner. However, for 100 slaves, he got 100 shared events, which might be a good thing or not, depending on what one wanted in reports. That use of Shared Events mimics what Associations does.
If its not a single event, then you want an association. Each would require their own entry and documentation.