Citations without a Source

In RM10 I discovered I have 4 citations not linked to any source. I don’t know how these dangling citations were created or remained. I don’t have any blank sources showing in the Source view. If a source is deleted, I would expect the linked citations to also be deleted. Yes, a warning message appears when one attempts to delete a source with linked citations but it appears the citations are left dangling. I’ve tried to find these unlinked citations using search but haven’t found a way to identify them. The Enhanced Properties List shows them but does not have a deleted feature. Anyone have suggestions on how to identify and delete them?

P.S. I’ve run the Tools features but count of citations w/o sources remains the same.
Citations without sources

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Weird would think it would have a view button to see them within RM UI and other option –
SQL would one way

When you delete a source it will delete the citations with it. I’m trying to recall how people were creating citations without a source. It was something in the RM7 and earlier versions, but I can’t remember the exact scenario. You won’t be seeing these in your database so its safe to just delete them using the enhanced properties list.

Thanks for the quick response and confirming that citations are indeed deleted with their linked source. The sources without citations may have been there a long time and I don’t know how they occurred. With RM10, it was the first time they were counted. It would be great to add a feature to list and delete them in the Enhanced Property Tool. If I can’t delete them without using SQL, I’ll leave them. Thanks again.

Not having any I didn’t realize there wasn’t a view there on the enhanced property list for them. Confirming the request to include one has been reported to development.


When I found that I had some of these show up on the Enhanced Property list I went to the Source List. There it was easy to find the one that was a blank source, it had no name but showed a citation. From there I could fix it or delete it. Without a name it should be the top of the list. From memory they were weblinks that had come from Ancestry for Fold3 but I’m sure there could be other reasons.

What you suggested is exactly what I would thought might happen. If I found a source with a blank title, I would delete it and the attached citations. But, the first source in my listing is a valid source. This condition may be a leftover from RM7, TMG, UFT, or even Roots IV! Thanks for your help.

So I finally solved the issue and was able to delete the citations without a source. Here is how I did it in RM10. I created a new source with a blank title. Then I used the source search box to search for a source with four blank spaces. A source displayed without a title ( not even a blank line) and not even an arrow to the citations. However, the right panel showed a “used number” so I knew I must have found a row in the source table. I then clicked on the menu vertical dots and merged the that source entry with the new blank titled source entry I created. Then I deleted the blank source. Now the untitled source and related citations are gone according to the Enhanced Properties display.

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