Ability to Disable Rearrange Children Pop-Up?

I add one child to a couple --then every time I add the info for each of the rest of the kids a REARRANGE
CHILDREN pop-up box is displayed which I have to hit OK or Cancel before their info page shows up and most of the kids I have added today ( Lots) have been in chronological order…

So is there a way to disable this rearrange children pop up box–If not, can we please add it to a remove feature request as there are at least 2 other ways to rearrange children

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I did not see a way to disable the rearrange children pop-up box. I would guess it pops up because people can’t find the rearrange children button that is hidden under “Spouses” in the side panel.

Where is the second way to rearrange children?

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Try the pencil icon at the top of the FAMILY page. There is a “Rearrange Children” option in the drop-list.


thanks mapleleaf and Ronbu-- you are also SUPPOSE to be able to drag and drop a child in the correct spot BUT I can NOT get it to work

Yes, option to disable the rearrange children pop-up box would be great. One less window popping up would help matters.

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I remember being told version 8 was going to automatically arrange children by birth. And, it was supposed to automatically calculate the relationship when you add a child, parent, aunt, etc.

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Doug I’ve only imported 3 databases–my 1st database did automatically calculate the relationship–it would show up in the left pane under the person’s name–Joe Smith-- grandfather --but my other 2 databases don’t have that

Oh now I see, you have to SET RELATIONSHIP to the person–At the top of the page is the pencil icon–click on that–go to set relationship and then when the box comes up, click on set relationship and it should work

This is an old thread, but I would also love a way to turn off the box that comes up when you add more than one child, asking about sorting in order. Just sort it, or don’t sort it, but allow us to turn off that box!

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