1921 England & Wales Census

Up until now the 1921 England & Wales Census has only been available as a pay for view on findmypast.co.uk (£3.50 per record). It is now fully available on Ancestry (including images) for those of us who have been rather selective in our use of the 1921 up to now.

It is not pay per view if you have a UK 12 Month Everything subscription. It is part of the package.

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Findmypast subscription has had 1921 images included in sub for quite a long time. I use it all the time. I could not find someone I was researching because the house number was missing in the road. I looked in Ancestry along the road and had the same result so I assume no image available to be copied and therefore not transcribed. I subscribe to Ancestry and FMP because quite often in the censuses one site has mistranscribed a name or place and the other has not.
On should Never assume any transcript is correct. Too many people fall into this trap and end up with a person not in their family, and others copy without checking originals , as they should with any data found in an online tree.
Richard in dark cold England.

Sorry chaps, I don’t think that I explained myself very well. My point was that for the last 4 years the 1921 census was exclusive to find my past behind a pay wall. Those of us without membership had to pay £3.50 per image. That period of exclusivity has now ended and the census is now on Ancestry too (and other sites too I expect).

I believe Ancestry has licensed the FMP records, so any mistranscriptions will persist

I find the search by address functionality in FMP better than Ancestry -I have found ancestors that way despite their names being mistranscribed

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Comparing the images from FMP and Ancestry, on ones I’ve compared, the Ancestry file sizes are smaller because the jpeg quality is 50 whereas it is 70 on FMP.